Program Updates and New Beginnings!!

archetypes medicine plants plant medicine shadow work Aug 23, 2023

WILD ONES!! My apologies for the pause. There have been big changes for me during the Lion's Gate Portal causing me to road trip from Oaxaca, Mexico to San Cristobal de las Casas, Chiapas, and back again. Unexpected but welcome changes that are leading me back to Peru, and I leave next week! This was a huge decision to make, leaving my home of the last 4 years in Mexico to return to my home in Peru for an unknown amount of time.

With this change of location, I will also be letting go of 3 self-study programs on November 1st, 2023 to make room for the next phase of my passion and purpose. I will still be sharing, teaching, and mentoring about plant medicine, herbalism, holistic women's health, archetypes, and Mystery traditions, however, EVERYTHING will focus on the Wild Woman and Wise Woman phases of our lives. This means 40 and over, although any woman is welcome to learn about these stages of initiation.

I find it incredibly disheartening that we have so few Elders, Crones, and Wise Women at the forefront of these Changing Times. In speaking with women and Elders around the world I can see and hear the necessity of women not just to be heard, but to feel empowered and healthy as they do so. It is my absolute honor to be channeling, supporting, and stepping into the space that helps to guide others along this journey.

So without further ado, for now, I will continue doing Facebook Lives in my group here before I step over to my podcast (yay!! so excited for this), I may continue to do 1 live a month after this.

Some of my current offerings will remain, but the 3 self-study programs, Gateway to Light (Shadow Work Program), Altars of Wisdom (Archetypes of the Medicine Path), and Plants of the Spirit Realm (Understanding shamanic plants and cultures from around the world) will be discontinued On November 1st. Each person will receive the PDF version of the course at the end so you will still be able to look over the material once it is gone.


This is a rather bittersweet decision as these programs have been so successful over the years, but it is time for me to step into my next phase and level of transformation. My metamorphosis extends throughout my life path and I must honor the wisdom coming through me. I for one am very excited!!

You can view the courses on my website and of course, you may reach out with questions at any time! It has been a joy to share these works of art with you. Looking forward to the next evolution!

P.S. The free optin download is still available for now, but will be changing out for something new!


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About Seven Crow

Seven Crow has been studying entheogenic plant medicines and healing modalities for 30+ years and is an advocate for creating allyship with plants & fungi and the lands they come from. She has degrees in Chinese medicine, herbalism, acupuncture, Functional Medicine, midwifery, massage, medical qigong, nutrition, and psychological counseling. She has traveled around the world learning about indigenous ways, teaching and working in clinics and retreat centers, attending births, training doulas and herbalists, and helping women embody their health.
Her passion is supporting women through Rites of Passage, specifically through what she calls the Wild Woman to Wise Woman Phases of life (otherwise known as Perimenopause & Menopause), through holistic microdosing, nutrition, herbal medicine, and initiation practices from womenā€™s mystery traditions.
A trained medicine carrier of huachuma from the Chavin Tradition, as well as decades working with all types of plant & fungi medicines, she offers ceremonies, training, retreats, and healings, as well as, private sessions online and in-person, group support and continues to be a consultant to numerous businesses, clinics, and retreat centers around the world. Seven has been living between Peru and Mexico since 2012 and continues her studies in medicinal and magical herbs

IG: @seven.crow